Does money seem to elude you despite your best efforts?

Is your business suffering losses?

Are you unable to escape the debt trap?

Do pay hikes and promotions give you the slip?

Are you finding it hard to recover the money that others owe you?

Are you unable to upgrade your lifestyle due to a lack of money?

If your answer is ‘Yes’ to the above questions, do not worry. There is a powerful remedy for all these problems – the Lakshmi Kubera Pooja.

What Is Lakshmi Kubera Pooja?

Lakshmi Kubera Pooja is a ritual that is performed by Hindus mainly to gain wealth. The Pooja aims to please Goddess Lakshmi, who is the Hindu goddess of prosperity, wealth, wisdom, luck, and fertility, and also Lord Kubera, the treasurer of the gods.

Kubera is a Yaksha king and also the god of wealth in the Hindu pantheon. He is the son of Visrava and the grandson of Brahma or Dhanpati (Lord of riches). He is also the trustee of all food grains. While Lakshmi creates wealth, it is Kubera who is believed to distribute it. By performing this Pooja, one can gain the blessings of both deities. Worshipping Lakshmi and Kubera together brings the desired results, as Kubera is dear to the goddess.

During the Homam, the Mantras of Lakshmi and Kubera are recited to invoke their blessings. Lotus flowers are also offered in the sacrificial fire.

The Story Of Lakshmi Kubera

Kubera is quite plump to the point of being obese. Besides, he had many deformities. Hence, the other gods used to make fun of him. Saddened and upset by their mocking words, he performed severe penance to appease Shiva and get a boon from him. Shiva was pleased and made him the god of wealth.  

After this, everyone began to respect him. Also, he began to be honored along with Goddess Lakshmi as the god of wealth and prosperity. While Lakshmi represents wealth and money, Kubera is the caretaker of the wealth. Hence, people worship these two deities together for wealth blessings.

Why Perform Lakshmi Kubera Pooja?

Lakshmi Kubera Pooja is believed to increase your sources of income and remove obstacles to wealth accumulation. The combined powers of the deities work to eliminate the impediments that prevent you from acquiring material possessions. It can bring about a remarkable change in your fortunes.

Lakshmi Kubera Homam should be performed by:

· People who have financial problems

· People who have huge debts

· People who are unable to acquire material and monetary growth

· People whose business is not doing well

· People who are unable to get a good job

· People who face repeated failures in life

· People whose investments don’t bring returns

· People with Doshas that prevent wealth accumulation

By invoking Lakshmi and Kubera through this Pooja, things will begin to change, and you can achieve financial stability.

How to Perform Lakshmi Kubera Pooja?

If you are doing the Pooja at home, keep the Kubera idol towards the north. In the Himalayas, where Kubera supposedly resides, his abode faces the south direction. If the idol’s position faces the cupboard where you keep money, this can help attract more wealth. Many Hindus perform the Lakshmi Kubera Pooja on the night of Diwali.

· Light 16 small lamps using ghee.

· For Lakshmi, Archana should be done using Vilvam leaves.

· Use copper, silver coins, kumkum, and flowers, too.

· Coins are best for doing Archana for Kubera.

· Use idols of Mahalakshmi and Kubera. You may also use Lakshmi’s idol alone for the Pooja.

· For Prasad or Naivedyam, offer milk with honey, Sarkarai Pongal, or some pure ghee.

When to Perform Lakshmi Kubera Pooja?

The date can be fixed as per the Thithi, Yoga, and Nakshatra. Fridays are very auspicious to perform this Pooja. It is best to do it during the occasion of Dhanteras or Akshaya Tritiya.

Benefits of Lakshmi Kubera Pooja

· It can help multiply your wealth

· It resolves career problems

· One can gain money, riches, fulfillment, success, happiness, etc

· It helps to recover dues from others quickly

· It can eliminate debts and poverty

· It enhances your bank balance

· It brings expansion and profits in business

· It removes obstacles to acquiring wealth

· It boosts self-esteem and confidence

· It brings freedom from worries

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